

At Three Strands, we love our kids so much that we’ve created an exciting space just for them! It’s a place where kids from 2-years-old to 5th grade can have some hands-on fun, make new friends and hear the truth about Jesus Christ in ways that connect with their age. We call it 3SC KIDS and we hope your children will get the chance to check it out soon!



 3SC KIDS gather every Sunday morning during our regular worship service for a time of action-packed adventure where they learn all about following Jesus Christ. They worship together, play together and learn from God’s Word together. It’s a high-energy, fun-filled hour of church for all the kids at Three Strands Church.



 We want your visit to Three Strands Church to be a great experience for you and for your kids. When they arrive for the first time, we’ll have a special gift waiting for them. Our team of amazing volunteers will make them feel right at home and even introduce them to some other kids they can get to know. Their time will be full of activities, fun, and learning that is sure to leave them wanting more the next week! Amazing adventure awaits! Come, experience it all this weekend!